Experience California Breakfast Burritos
Training burros & people together
At California Breakfast Burritos, we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support and education. The core of our efforts is sharing our passion for burros and their partnership with people. Through our endeavors we hope to teach others about these magical animals. Since our founding in 2018, we have been determined to make an impact putting burros in purposeful active lives.
California Breakfast Burritos is a non-profit public benefit charitable corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Non-profit Public Benefit Corporation Law to exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, to foster national amateur sports competition, and for the prevention of cruelty to animals, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to charitable organizations.
To view the dates of any of our upcoming events please visit the calendar page and if you would like to join in contact us.

Burro Advocacy
California Breakfast Burritos provides training for burros, enthusiasts, & owners through events, placement & adoptions, and public awareness and advocacy.

Wild burro gentling
One step at a time, thinking wild like a burro. These animals are gentled by patiently understanding their reactions and the reasons behind their behavior. By building trust, they become faithful companions.
At California Breakfast Burritos, we are dedicated to finding useful homes for captured wild burros. This is by no means an easy feat, but through patient training and matching owners with the right burros we are able to help many each year. We always strive to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support.

Burro adoption & rehoming
Helping The Community
Our goal is to provide rehabilitation and training for burros in need. With access to the right handling and training, these animals become empowered by trust and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential in active purposeful lives. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.

Burro Boot Camp
Building the Community
California Breakfast Burritos offers personalized basic handing clinics for all experience levels. If you have no animal experience, are a lifetime equestrian, professional athlete, or couch potato, we can help fill in the skills you need.

Public Outreach
Public education through visits to Assisted Living Facilities, Schools, Parades and special events.
With this initiative, our goal is to promote burro ownership and pack burro racing. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today. We always need volunteer handlers and extra help.

Treking with pack burros
See the burros in action
We offer regular outings in the Mojave Desert and Sierra Nevada open to a broad range of fitness levels. Come join us and learn about these versatile and loving animals doing what they do best.

Pack Burro Races
Amazing ASSletes
At California Breakfast Burritos, we participate & host pack burro races. Come find out what this sport is all about. We also have burros available for qualified runners or hikers at events.

“You need to have more time than they do”